All book of the dead pages in the kingdom of the dead
All book of the dead pages in the kingdom of the dead

all book of the dead pages in the kingdom of the dead all book of the dead pages in the kingdom of the dead

Presiding over a global network of apostolic and prophetic visions, in the capacity of the President of Christ Resurrection Movement (CRM), the Director of Global School of Resurrection (GSR), Senior Pastor of Resurrection Embassy (RE), the founder of Resurrection TV (The Dead-Raising Channel) and the pioneer of the renowned Global School of Signs and Wonders (GSSW), Apostle Frequency Revelator unpacks a plethora of rare but provocative revelations that the dead are raised in this Kairos moment as God is launching men and women into deeper and unexplored territories of the Glory Realm. It will launch you into an arena of divine exploits whereby you will raise the dead as if you are waking up people from their slumber. It will cause you to explode in the demonstration of signs and wonders that will ruffle the feathers of those comfortable with the status quo and dazzle the minds of those who have pitched their tent in the valley of mediocrity and are sailing their boats through the shallow streams of spiritual understanding.

all book of the dead pages in the kingdom of the dead

This is such a provocative kind of book that immediately after you read it, you will feel an irresistibly strong edge to invade death infested territories such as hospitals, mortuaries, psychic prisons, rehabilitation centres and people’s homes to raise the dead. The depth and density of Throne Room revelations it contains requires the reader to make a conscientious effort to digest its morsels, hence it is dangerous to casual Christianity. The theologically challenging, deeply provoking and incredibly inspiring, hard-to-get revelations encapsulated in this book are set to revolutionise the course of your life for ever. It is jam-packed with divine insights that will take you through a journey out of the convictions of ordinary life of complacency and mediocrity to plunge into the greater depths of the miraculous. It brims with provocative insights that provide a unique and ground breaking entry into the phenomenon of raising the dead, which for ages have remained an implausible, inexplicable and unfathomable subject. It practically demonstrates step by step how one can raise the dead back to life and also outlines with practical evidence the divine strategies which believers can use to bring the dead back to life. The book of the dead page is on the eastern end of that tunnel when you enter it.Do you aspire to be mightily used by God in the demonstration of unusual signs and wonders such as raising the dead? This Holy Ghost-breathed book practically demonstrates how the dead are raised and exhaustively examines the subject of raising the dead in depth.

  • Earth: After talking to Uriel for the second time, you enter a tunnel to the south.
  • There, you will find the next page high up on a pipe.
  • Earth: As you ascend a stairwell that leads back to Uriel and the main central yard, turn around.
  • It is around here that you'll find the next page.
  • Earth: After freeing the first Hellguard and defeating a big bad scaly monster called "The Suffering" (on the Northern part of your map) you will come across an area with red Corruption crystals.
  • Lostlight: Upon reaching the bridge that leads to the Crystral Spire, you will notice ruins to the south of you, or right of you if you want to be technical.
  • Located in the crate on the northern wall is the page.
  • City of the Dead: On the fourth floor, you'll be in some sort of catacombs or burial area.
  • The book of the dead page is just beyond that gate. After bringing the lantern to the statue, turn it south.

    all book of the dead pages in the kingdom of the dead

    City of the Dead: In the first room on the eastern side of the dungeon there will be another lantern puzzle.City of the Dead: In the rotating chamber, at the crank located to the south, the page will be just to the side of the crank.City of the Dead: In the second large room that you enter, the page will be in the southeast corner.Use the Soul Splitter to activate both plate and claim the page. Forge Lands: In the Fjord area of the Forge Lands, you'll find ruins in the East (known as East Keep to some special people, you now among them).Climb the stairs and then upon reaching the top, circle around and you will find the 21st page. Judicator's Tomb: While attempting to claim the thrid soul in the Northern part of the tomb, you will encounter a large staircase.

    All book of the dead pages in the kingdom of the dead