They were smarter ( an still are) than us. Even get two men to stand with open coats to block the wind. WE trry an block the wind by standing next to a vechicle or behined a rock. But they are hard to opperate acuratly in strong winds. Its just a weight on a string that you hold up an look at the pole your putting up and basically line the center of the pole to check that its perfectly vertical.

Although we used them to check that a string of insulators were vertical before clamping in.
#Egyptian plumb bob how to
Thought all linesmen new how to use a plumb bob. And when i told them we still used steel winch cables in some areas they freaked.Nothing wrong with steel cables if all precautions are taken.Ever ask a teenager or a grown up if they know how to read a ruler?Most will say that they do,but ask them what are the little marks between the inches and it throws them for a loop,lol.Kind of like the compass question,most people say they can read a compass,but what there reading is the location of north and south.About your egyptian way,id guess they somehow used the sun,havent googled that yet,ill be waiting for your answer. With over twenty years centerpoint energy ive never see a plumb bob being used,i know out east most trucks have one,this kind of thrilled me,seeing that. WELL ! I will let ya have a few guesses an then I will tell ya how the ancient Egyptians did it when building the pyrimids. How do you guys plumb a pole when its windy ? I've seen ya standing with guys with coats blocking the wind from the plumb bob.

I know the people on here enjoy a challenge.